The theme for the March for Life 2025 that will take place on January 24 is a simple affirming statement, “Life: Why We March”. While this statement may seem an obvious assertion, it is so important to renew the reason we march because it is so greatly misunderstood. Let’s think about it.
Saint Jude Parish, Sacred Heart Church, 310 Shady Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15206
Communications Coordinator, non-exempt position. 18 hours per week, 52 weeks per year.
Hours and days to be determined in conjunction with Pastor and Bulletin printing schedule.
Reports to: Business Manager
Diocese of Erie
Full-time position for Director of Faith Formation for Catechesis and Sacraments
The Diocese of Erie is seeking an energetic and faith-driven leader to serve as the Director of Faith Formation for Catechesis and Sacraments. He/she will be a part of the ongoing development of a collaborative vision for life-long faith formation in the Diocese of Erie. He/she will report to the Executive Director of Faith Formation.
Because of the grace of their God-given faith, the Halpin family was able to cry out to the Mother of God with hope that, as sure as Jesus Christ rose from the dead, they too, would rise to new life from the ashes of the fire. May they and all those affected by the California fires be buoyed up by hope.
As devastating fires ravage homes, churches, and entire communities across Southern California, I urge everyone to join in prayer for an end to these destructive blazes. Let us lift up those who have been harmed, offering them not only our prayers but also our tangible support and compassion.
The Office of the President has as its primary purpose to provide institutional leadership of the school in order to achieve the fullest attainment of the mission statement of Bishop Canevin High School. The President works in collaboration with the Principal and bears responsibility for the school’s operation and policies, concentrating primarily on its Catholic identity, vision, mission and philosophy, finances, development and fundraising efforts, care of physical facilities, marketing, public information, and maintenance of positive relations. The President is the primarily responsible for ensuring sufficient resources, sound fiscal management, and the long-term financial stability of the school through direct oversight of the business operations, advancement/fundraising/development, marketing, alumni and community relations, student recruitment and enrollment management activities.
Every year on the Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord, we hear at Mass the gospel passage from St. Matthew that speaks of the visit of the Magi to the Child Jesus, their falling down in adoration before Him and offering Him the gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. This passage describes also their journey to find Him and their arrival in Jerusalem asking, “Where is the newborn King of the Jews?”
Digital Media Specialist, Holy Spirit Parish, Lawrence County Part-time (20-25 hours per week) On location (Monday-Thursday, Saturday afternoon, evenings & weekends as needed)
Reports to Director of Communications
Holy Spirit Parish of Lawrence County is seeking a part-time Digital Media Specialist to join our Communications Department. You will play a supportive role in creating effective communications and advertising for our Parish and its related organizations.
Principal - Oakland Catholic High School is currently conducting a search for their next Principal. The school has entrusted Catholic Recruiter Associates to lead this important search. To learn more about this opportunity and to apply, please review the full prospectus at
The nine days before Christmas, from December 16 through December 24, is a time of intense prayer in preparation for the Solemnity of Our Lord’s Birth. During these days, no matter what is happening our life, no matter what may be preoccupying us, what may be giving us stress, or no matter what burdens we are placing on ourselves, peace can be ours if we enter into the preparation that is above all spiritual.
SRCES Mother of Mercy Academy is seeking a Full-time Maintenance/Janitorial Position.
Job Summary:
The Maintenance/Janitorial staff position is responsible for the maintenance, cleanliness, and repair of MMA’s facilities and grounds. This position requires a variety of facility and equipment maintenance duties. Also performs custodial duties including, but not limited to, cleaning services (e.g. trash removal, mopping, vacuuming, restroom cleaning, etc.) in the school building/cafeteria according to a weekly schedule and other duties as assigned.
Our Lady is for us the most pure, the most beautiful woman, she who is our Mother and our advocate before God. It is through her that Jesus comes to us, and it is through her that we go to Jesus. The beauty of Mary is the reflection of the holiness of God Himself.
Middle School Science Teacher Blessed Trinity Academy, Glenshaw PA
The teacher’s main responsibility is teaching the Science, STEM, and Health curriculum to grades 6-8 which includes earth, life, and physical science. The teacher is also responsible for preparing students to participate in PJAS (Pennsylvania Junior Academy of Science).
Special Officer (Full-Time and Part-Time Positions)
Applications are now being accepted for the position of Special Officer in the Diocesan Office for Safety and Security of the Diocese of Pittsburgh. The Special Officer position, under the direction of the Regional Security Supervisor and collaborating with the Regional School Superintendent, is responsible for performing various duties, to ensure the safety and security of Diocese of Pittsburgh personnel to include clergy, administrators, students, parishioners, visitors and property. This position is assigned to a Regional School and/or High School within the Diocese of Pittsburgh.
Everyone is welcome to attend the celebration, with liturgy in Spanish, English and other languages, sponsored by the Latino ministry of the Diocese of Pittsburgh and its Latino Catholic Apostolate. A special invitation has been extended to Catholic high schools to encourage young people to come, said Jorge Vela, coordinator of the ministry.