Continuing a long tradition, Bishop David A. Zubik has asked all parishes in the Catholic Diocese of Pittsburgh to be open for the Sacrament of Confession on Wednesday December 11, from 6-9 p.m. for the diocese’s twice-yearly “The Light is On for You” campaign, when Catholics are invited to return to the Sacrament of Reconciliation. In addition to promoting this opportunity through our parishes, the diocese advertises on radio and via social media for weeks in advance.
The campaign is especially offered to Catholics who have not been to Confession for some time. The opportunity for the sacrament is offered throughout the diocese in all of the parish groupings and at the same time.
“Over the years, the Light is On for You has brought countless Catholics back to the grace and mercy of the Sacrament of Confession,” Bishop Zubik said. “The purpose of Confession is to offer healing, enable people to move beyond their guilt and to build renewed relationships with God and with other people.”
Since the Light is On for You began years ago, many priests of the Diocese of Pittsburgh report that they often hear Confessions beyond the three allotted hours and often from people who have been away from the Sacrament for many years.
Confessions can be heard either face-to-face or behind the anonymity of a screen. Through the sacrament, Catholics acknowledge and express sorrow for their sins, receive the forgiveness of Jesus and His Church and resolve to do better in the future.