I wish to renew my support for local and national Jewish leaders who have been alarmed by the rising incidence of anti-Semitism and the threat of a “Day of Hate” against Jews. I wholeheartedly agree with Jonathan Greenblatt, national director for the Anti-Defamation League, when he said today, “It is completely unacceptable that the Jewish community—or any community—should be targeted by extremists spreading hate and alarm. The hate groups behind this effort hope that we will be afraid and isolated. Instead, we are coming together in resolve and solidarity."
Catholics believe that the Jewish faith is a response to God’s revelation. As Pope Paul VI and the Second Vatican Council insisted in 1965, the Gospel of Jesus Christ requires us to eschew all “hatred, persecution, displays of anti-Semitism, directed against Jews at any time by anyone.” Catholics of Pittsburgh remain in their long-standing solidarity with our Jewish sisters and brothers.