The director of Faith Formation, working with the parish priest and staff, designs and implements programs for children, youth and families to help build a solid foundation in the Catholic Faith. This is accomplished through collaboration and cooperation with the catechists and parents at both parish sites. Requirements Education: A degree in education and a background in administration Must be a member of good standing in the Catholic Church • A positive attitude and reverence for the Catholic faith • Good interpersonal skills • Administrative experience along with experience in supervising and developing staff. • At least three years’ experience as a catechist and a basic knowledge of catechetics, scripture, liturgy, and educational theory • Skill at conflict management and problem solving. • Ability to facilitate meetings and group processes. • Time Management and organizational skills • Knowledge of and ability to use computer technology including email, office program including Word and Excel and social media platforms. • Possession of leadership abilities and a creative compassionate approach to faith formation and parish life. • Ability to motivate, encourage and inspire catechists, volunteers, aides, students and families in learning about and loving their faith • An understanding of the various learning levels and attributes of students from kindergarten through twelfth grade. • Must have all Diocesan required clearances. Responsibilities: • To develop and direct the K-8 Faith Formation program, including scheduling and preparation for First Communion, Reconciliation, Confirmation. and Sacramental Retreats. • To oversee, and evaluates all faith formation/catechetical efforts of the parish in accord with parish and Diocesan policies. • To create the Faith Formation yearly calendar, Family Handbook and Catechist Handbook. • To recruit and prepare adequate volunteers and to coordinates their efforts. • To provide leadership for catechetical programs and communicate with the catechists on a regular basis. • To supervise and support catechists and staff. • To locate substitutes for catechists or to teach the classes when no subs are available. • To choose and implement religious education textbooks and resources for use by the catechists. • To articulate the vision of faith formation within the parish community and recommend necessary policy changes. • To sponsor Parent Meetings and to maintain communication with the pastor, parents and parish staff. • To encourage the students to give service to the church and community. • To provide for the safety of students, catechists and the environment. • To keeps current of trends and issues in catechesis by attending workshops and through personal study. • To resolve issues with students who cannot attend Faith Formation classes at the scheduled times. • To invite high school students to monthly Youth Group Gatherings. • To plan for and implement Youth Group Meetings with creativity and an understanding of the faith needs of teen. • To recruit Youth Group Team Members to help plan activities, service projects and meetings for the teens.