Those of us who have worked and prayed to protect unborn children are profoundly grateful that the Supreme Court of the United States has determined that there is not a constitutional right for abortion.
In response, the Catholic Diocese of Pittsburgh will continue to support and encourage legislation that protects unborn children.
We support women with crisis pregnancies and young families who struggle to raise their children. We offer medical and social assistance through Catholic Charities and collaborate with additional groups that provide childcare, life skills, education, shelter and help with other basic needs.
Now, more than ever, our parishes are encouraged to participate in Walking with Moms in Need, a project of the U. S. Catholic bishops that prepare every parishioner to assist someone who needs support to carry or raise a child.
We also offer Project Rachel, a ministry of healing for women who have had abortions and those who have supported them in that decision.
We pray for many lives to be saved. It is time for a healthier national conversation about pregnancy and parenting, one that recognizes the real difficulties and creates ways to support pregnant women and to welcome children.