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Allegheny County
Holy Apostles
Holy Cross, East Pittsburgh
Our Lady of Czestochowa, Hazelwood
Saint John, Greenock
Saint Patrick, Strip District
Saint Paul Cathedral
Saint Philip
Saint Philomena, Strip District
Saint Pio of Pietrelcina
Saint Alphonsus, Wexford
Saint Mary of the Assumption, Glenshaw
Saint Joseph, O'Hara Township
Saint Peter, McKeesport
Saint Mary, North Side
Saint Michael, South Side
Saint Peter, North Side
Saint Michael, Elizabeth
Saint Mary (German), Sharpsburg
Saint Brigid, Uptown
Saint James, West End
Saint John the Evangelist, South Side
Saint Mary (46th St), Lawrenceville
Saint Mary, Aleppo Township
Saint Thomas, Braddock
Saint Mary Help of Christians, McKees Rocks
Holy Trinity, Uptown
Saints Peter and Paul, East End
Saint Andrew, North Side
Saint Augustine, Lawrenceville
Saint James, Sewickley
Saint Patrick, Alpsville
Saint Joseph, Verona
Saint Patrick, North Fayette Township/Oakdale
Saint Agnes, West Mifflin
Saint Joseph (German), Manchester
Saint Luke, Carnegie
Saint Teresa of Avila
Most Holy Name of Jesus
Saint Agnes, Oakland
Saint James, Wilkinsburg
Saint Malachy, South Side
Saint Martin, West End
Saint Joseph, Mount Oliver
Saint Mary of Mercy
Saint Peter, South Side
Saint Stephen, Hazelwood
Saint Wenceslaus, North Side
Sacred Heart, Shadyside
Saint Joseph, Bloomfield
Saint Mary of the Mount
Saint Wendelin, Carrick
Saint Ann, Millvale
Saint Stanislaus, Strip District
Saint Joseph, Braddock
Saint John the Baptist, Lawrenceville
Saint Joseph, Carnegie
Saint Mary Magdalene, Homestead
Saint Colman
Holy Cross, South Side
Saint Adalbert, South Side
Saint Joseph, Natrona
Saint Boniface, North Side
Saint Anthony, Millvale
Saint George, Allentown
Saint Kieran, Lawrenceville
Saint Mary (German), McKeesport
Saint Peter, Tarentum
Saint Leo, North Side
Saint Anne
Saint Benedict the Moor (Original), Uptown
Saint Benedict the Moor, Hill District
Saint Francis de Sales, McKees Rocks
Holy Name, Duquesne
Sacred Heart, Emsworth
Saint Brendan, Braddock
Saint Francis, Munhall
Saint Joseph, Coraopolis
Saint Michael The Archangel, Braddock
Saint Aloysius
Saint Canice, Knoxville
Saint Peter the Apostle, Fernando St
Annunciation, North Side
Holy Rosary, Homewood
Immaculate Conception, Carnegie
Saint Casimir, South Side
Saint Ladislaus, Natrona
Saint Mary Czestochowa
Saint Agatha, Bridgeville
Saint Ambrose, Spring Hill
Saint Barbara
Saint Francis Xavier, North Side
Saint Nicholas, North Side
Saint Richard, Uptown
Holy Trinity, McKeesport
Saint Aloysius, Wilmerding
Saint Elizabeth, Strip District
Saint Hedwig, Duquesne
Saint Michael, Pitcairn
Sacred Heart, Tarentum
Saint Joseph, Duquesne
Immaculate Heart of Mary
Sacred Heart, Braddock Hills
Saint Lawrence O'Toole
Saint Mary Assumption, Lawerenceville
Saint Michael, Munhall
Our Lady Help of Christians, East Liberty
Saint Anthony, Homestead
Saint Stephen, McKeesport
Holy Innocents
Saint Nicholas, Millvale
Saint Rosalia, Greenfield
Saints Peter and Paul, Homestead
Holy Trinity, West Mifflin
Saint Alphonsus, Springdale
Saint Cecilia, Glassport
Saint Mary of Mount Carmel, Braddock
All Saints
Corpus Christi, East Liberty
Holy Family, Lawrenceville
Saint Catherine of Siena, Beechview
Saint Ignatius de Loyola, Carnegie
Saint Josaphat, South Side
Visitation of the B.V.M., Rankin
Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Holy Angels
Saint Anselm, Swissvale
Saint Clare of Assisi, Clairton
Saint Clement, Tarentum
Saint Gabriel Archangel, North Side
Saint Henry, Arlington Heights
Saint Mathias, Natrona
Saint Matthew, South Side
Saint Pius V
Saint Vincent de Paul, Esplen
Saint Walburga, Pittsburgh
Holy Cross, Glassport
Madonna of Jerusalem, Sharpsburg
Immaculate Conception, Bloomfield
Ascension, North Side
Mother of Sorrows, McKees Rocks
Regina Coeli, North Side
Sacred Heart, McKeesport
Saint John Cantius, Sharpsburg
Saint Mark, McKees Rocks
Saint William, East Pittsburgh
Mother of Good Council, Homewood
Saint Athanasius
Saint Basil
Saint Irenaeus
Saint Scholastica
Saint Columbkille
Resurrection, Brookline
Saint Barnabas, Swissvale
Saint Joachim, Greenfield
Saint Ursula
Our Lady of the Most Blessed Sacrament, East Hills
Saint Perpetua, McKeesport
Saints Cyril and Methodius, McKees Rocks
Guardian Angels, West End
Saint John the Baptist, Unity
Saint Joseph, Clairton
Saint Raphael
Saint Ann, Hazelwood
Saint Martha, Groveton
Saint Norbert
Transfiguration, Russellton
Saint Anne, Homestead
Saint Anthony, Bridgeville
Saint Leocadia, Wilmerding
Nativity of Our Lord, North Side
Saint Hyacinth, Oakland
Saint Isidore, Braddock
Saint Helen, East Pittsburgh
Saint Justin
Saint Bernard
Saint David, Willock
Saint Timothy, Indianola
Saint Victor
Madonna del Castello
Saint Cyprian, North Side
Holy Souls, Carnegie
Saint Philomena, Squirrel Hill
Saint Bede
Saint Paulinus, Clairton
Saint Valentine
Saint Cyril of Alexandria
Saint Margaret, Munhall
Saint Sylvester
Saint Therese of Lisieux
Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Natrona Heights
Saint Margaret
Resurrection, West Mifflin
Saint Rita
Saint Vincent de Paul, Walker's Mill
Our Lady of Perpetual Help, North Side
Saint Edward
Mary Immaculate
Saint Elizabeth of Hungary
Saint Francis of Assisi, Harmar/Indianola
Holy Trinity, Robinson Township
Most Blessed Sacrament, Natrona Heights
Our Lady of Victory
Saint Gabriel of the Sorrowful Virgin
Saint Januarius
Our Lady of Grace
Saint Malachy
Saint Joseph, Port Vue
Holy Family, Creighton
Saint Joan of Arc
Saint Maurice
Saint Bartholomew
Saint Isaac Jogues
Saint Robert Bellarmine
Saint Sebastian
Saint Catherine of Sweden
Saint Regis, Oakland
Saint Thomas More
Saint Pius X
Saint Bernadette
Saint Denis, Versailles
Saints Simon and Jude
Saint Albert the Great
Saint Margaret Mary
Saint Bonaventure
Saint Germaine
Saint Maria Goretti Chapel, McKees Rocks
Saint Thomas A Becket
Saint Angela Merici
Our Lady of Loreto
Saint Catherine of Siena, Crescent
Saint Eugene, Liberty Borough
North American Martyrs
Saint John Fisher
Saint Pamphilus
Saint Susanna
Saint Winifred
Saint Alexis
Saint Louise de Marillac
Saint Joseph (Territorial), Manchester
Holy Spirit, West Mifflin
Mary Immaculate-Saint Cyprian, North Side
Saint Gerard Majella
Our Lady of Joy
Saint Brigid-Saint Benedict the Moor, Uptown
Saint John Capistran
Sacred Heart-St. Peter, Tarentum
University Oratory of the Holy Spirit, Oakland
Saint Benedict the Moor
Saint John Neumann
Our Lady Queen of Peace, North Side
Good Shepherd
Holy Martyrs
Our Lady of the Most Blessed Sacrament
Prince of Peace
Saint Charles Lwanga
Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton
Saint Joseph, Natrona
Saint Maximilian Kolbe
Saint Richard
Incarnation of the Lord
Our Lady of the Angels
Risen Lord
Saint John of God
Saint Mark
Saint Martin De Porres
Saint Matthew
Saint Patrick, McKeesport/Versailles
Saint Patrick-Saint Stanislaus Kostka
Saint Peter, North Side
Saint Regis
Saint Rosalia
Saint Stephen
Christ the Light of the World
Guardian Angels
Holy Child
Holy Spirit, Millvale
Holy Wisdom
Queen of the Rosary
Saint Clare of Assisi
Saint John Vianney
Saint Jude the Apostle
Saint Mary, Sharpsburg
Saint Nicholas
Saints John and Paul
Word of God
Immaculate Conception/Saint Joseph
Saint Juan Diego
Corpus Christi
Saint Maria Goretti
Saint John XXIII Personal Quasi-Parish
Our Lady of Hope, Bethel Park
Resurrection, Bethel Park
Corpus Christi, Bridgeville
Saint Raphael the Archangel, Carnegie
Saint Paul of the Cross, Castle Shannon
Saints Joachim and Anne, Elizabeth
Saint Joseph the Worker, Forest Hills
Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Glenshaw
Saint Thomas the Apostle, Homestead
Saint Isidore the Farmer, Imperial
Triumph of the Holy Cross, Jefferson Hills
Archangel Gabriel, McKees Rocks
Christ the Divine Shepherd, Monroeville
Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, Moon Township
Saint Michael the Archangel, Mount Lebanon
Guardian Angels, Natrona Heights
Christ the King, O'Hara Township
Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Perrysville
Christ Our Savior, Pittsburgh
Divine Mercy, Pittsburgh
Mary, Queen of Peace, Pittsburgh
Most Precious Blood of Jesus, Pittsburgh
Saint Jude, Pittsburgh
Saint Pio of Pietrelcina, Pittsburgh
Saint Paul Cathedral, Pittsburgh
Saint Teresa of Kolkata, Pittsburgh
Holy Family, Plum
Saint Matthew, Reserve Township
Divine Redeemer, Sewickley
Blessed Trinity, South Pittsburgh
Saint Catherine Laboure, Upper Saint Clair
Saint Aidan, Wexford
Mary, Mother of God, White Oak
Saint Luke the Evangelist, Franklin Park
Our Lady of the Lakes, Bairdford
Regina Coeli, Bellevue
Saint Mary Magdalene, Pittsburgh
Saints Martha and Mary, Hampton Township
Beaver County
Saints Peter and Paul
Saint Rose of Lima
Saint Cecilia
Saint Joseph, New Brighton
Saint John the Baptist, Baden
Saint Mary, Beaver Falls
Saint Teresa, Koppel
Saint John the Baptist, Monaca
Saint Joseph, Aliquippa
Saint Veronica, Ambridge
Divine Redeemer, Ambridge
Saint Felix
Holy Trinity, Beaver Falls
Saint Titus, Aliquippa
Presentation of the B.V.M, Midland
Saint Stanislaus, Ambridge
Saints Cyril and Methodius, New Brighton
Saint Pudentiana, North Rochester
Saint Ann, New Galilee
Saint Ladislaus, Beaver Falls
Christ the King, Ambridge
Holy Trinity, Ambridge
Our Lady of Peace
Saint Philomena
Our Lady of Fatima
Saint Christine, Industry
Saint Frances Cabrini
Christ the Divine Teacher
Divine Mercy
Good Samaritan
Holy Family, New Brighton
Saint Blaise
Saint Titus
Saint Monica Parish, Beaver Falls/Chippewa Township/Darlington
Mary, Queen of Saints, Aliquippa
Our Lady of the Valley, Beaver
Saint Augustine, Beaver Falls
Butler County
Saint Peter, Butler
Saint Alphonsus, Murrinsville
Saint Mary of the Assumption, Herman
Saint Wendelin, Carbon Center
Saint Joseph, North Oakland
Saint John
Saint Paul
Saint James, Petrolia
Mater Dolorosa
Saint Joseph (German), North Oakland
Saint Mary, West Winfield
Saint John, Lyndora
Saint Joseph, Cabot
Saint Gregory
Saint Anthony, Forestville
Saint Michael Archangel
Saint Paschal, Argentine
Saint Stanislaus Kostka, Lyndora
Saint Kilian
Saint Louis, West Sunbury
Epiphany, Boyers
Saint Conrad, Meridian
Saint Peter, Slippery Rock
Saint Matthias
Saint Christopher Mission, Prospect
Holy Sepulcher
Saint Ferdinand
Saint Andrew
Saint Christopher
Saint Alphonsus, Boyers/Murrinsville/West Sunbury
Saint Fidelis of Sigmaringen
All Saints, Butler
Saint Francis of Assisi, Cabot
Saint Clare of Assisi, Chicora
Divine Grace, Cranberry Township
Saint Mark the Evangelist, Cranberry Township
Saint Faustina, Slippery Rock
Greene County
Saint Ann, Waynesburg
Our Lady of Consolation
Sacred Heart, Rice's Landing
Saint Mary, Crucible
Saint Ignatius of Antioch
Saint Marcellus, Jefferson
Holy Family, Greensboro
Saint Thomas
Saint Hugh
Saint Matthias, Waynesburg
Lawrence County
Saint James the Apostle
Saint Mary, New Castle
Saint Joseph the Worker
Saint Agatha, Ellwood City
Saint Vitus
Madonna of Czestochowa, New Castle
Saint Monica, Wampum
Saint Margaret, New Castle
Saint Lawrence (Hillsville)
Saint Anthony, Bessemer
Saint Michael, New Castle
Saint Lucy, New Castle
Purification of the B.V.M., Ellwood City
Saints Philip and James, New Castle
Holy Cross, West Pittsburgh
Saint Joseph, Ellport
Saint James the Apostle
Saint Camillus
Queen of Heaven
Mary, Mother of Hope
Saint Vincent de Paul
Christ the King
Holy Redeemer
Holy Spirit, New Castle
Washington County
Saint Hermengild, Penowa
Saint James, West Alexander
Immaculate Conception
Transfiguration, Monongahela
Sacred Heart, Claysville
Saint Thomas Aquinas
Saint Patrick, Canonsburg
Saint Alphonsus, McDonald
Saint Jerome, Charleroi
Saint Francis of Assisi, Finleyville
Saints Cyril and Methodius, Charleroi
Holy Name of the B.V.M., Donora
Mother of Sorrows, Charleroi
Saint Charles, Donora
Saint Dominic, Donora
Saint Luke, Bentleyville
Saint Anthony, Monongahela
Saint Joseph, Roscoe
Saint Joseph, Donora
Saint Mary, Cecil
Saints Mary and Ann, Marianna
Saints Peter and Paul, Cherry Valley
Saint Mary, Daisytown
Saint Clement, Ellsworth
Saint Michael the Archangel, Fredericktown
Our Lady of Lourdes
Saint Ann, Bulger
Saint Genevieve, Canonsburg
Saint Michael, Avella
Saint Hilary
Saint Elizabeth, Lawrence
Saint Joseph, Cokeburg
Saint Philip Neri, Donora
Assumption, Daisytown
Guardian Angels, Southview
Our Lady of The Miraculous Medal
Saint Agnes, Richeyville
Saint Benedict the Abbot
Holy Rosary
Mary, Mother of the Church
Our Lady of the Valley
Saint Patrick, Canonsburg
Ave Maria
Saint Oliver Plunkett
Saint Damien of Molokai
Saint Katharine Drexel
Saint Oscar Romero, Canonsburg
Saint Andrew the Apostle, Donora
Saint John XXIII, Peters Township
Saint James, Washington
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Allegheny County
Holy Apostles
Holy Cross, East Pittsburgh
Our Lady of Czestochowa, Hazelwood
Saint John, Greenock
Saint Patrick, Strip District
Saint Paul Cathedral
Saint Philip
Saint Philomena, Strip District
Saint Pio of Pietrelcina
Saint Alphonsus, Wexford
Saint Mary of the Assumption, Glenshaw
Saint Joseph, O'Hara Township
Saint Peter, McKeesport
Saint Mary, North Side
Saint Michael, South Side
Saint Peter, North Side
Saint Michael, Elizabeth
Saint Mary (German), Sharpsburg
Saint Brigid, Uptown
Saint James, West End
Saint John the Evangelist, South Side
Saint Mary (46th St), Lawrenceville
Saint Mary, Aleppo Township
Saint Thomas, Braddock
Saint Mary Help of Christians, McKees Rocks
Holy Trinity, Uptown
Saints Peter and Paul, East End
Saint Andrew, North Side
Saint Augustine, Lawrenceville
Saint James, Sewickley
Saint Patrick, Alpsville
Saint Joseph, Verona
Saint Patrick, North Fayette Township/Oakdale
Saint Agnes, West Mifflin
Saint Joseph (German), Manchester
Saint Luke, Carnegie
Saint Teresa of Avila
Most Holy Name of Jesus
Saint Agnes, Oakland
Saint James, Wilkinsburg
Saint Malachy, South Side
Saint Martin, West End
Saint Joseph, Mount Oliver
Saint Mary of Mercy
Saint Peter, South Side
Saint Stephen, Hazelwood
Saint Wenceslaus, North Side
Sacred Heart, Shadyside
Saint Joseph, Bloomfield
Saint Mary of the Mount
Saint Wendelin, Carrick
Saint Ann, Millvale
Saint Stanislaus, Strip District
Saint Joseph, Braddock
Saint John the Baptist, Lawrenceville
Saint Joseph, Carnegie
Saint Mary Magdalene, Homestead
Saint Colman
Holy Cross, South Side
Saint Adalbert, South Side
Saint Joseph, Natrona
Saint Boniface, North Side
Saint Anthony, Millvale
Saint George, Allentown
Saint Kieran, Lawrenceville
Saint Mary (German), McKeesport
Saint Peter, Tarentum
Saint Leo, North Side
Saint Anne
Saint Benedict the Moor (Original), Uptown
Saint Francis de Sales, McKees Rocks
Holy Name, Duquesne
Sacred Heart, Emsworth
Saint Brendan, Braddock
Saint Francis, Munhall
Saint Joseph, Coraopolis
Saint Michael The Archangel, Braddock
Saint Aloysius
Saint Canice, Knoxville
Saint Peter the Apostle, Fernando St
Annunciation, North Side
Holy Rosary, Homewood
Immaculate Conception, Carnegie
Saint Casimir, South Side
Saint Ladislaus, Natrona
Saint Mary Czestochowa
Saint Agatha, Bridgeville
Saint Ambrose, Spring Hill
Saint Barbara
Saint Francis Xavier, North Side
Saint Nicholas, North Side
Saint Richard, Uptown
Holy Trinity, McKeesport
Saint Aloysius, Wilmerding
Saint Elizabeth, Strip District
Saint Hedwig, Duquesne
Saint Michael, Pitcairn
Sacred Heart, Tarentum
Saint Joseph, Duquesne
Immaculate Heart of Mary
Sacred Heart, Braddock Hills
Saint Lawrence O'Toole
Saint Mary Assumption, Lawerenceville
Saint Michael, Munhall
Our Lady Help of Christians, East Liberty
Saint Anthony, Homestead
Saint Stephen, McKeesport
Holy Innocents
Saint Nicholas, Millvale
Saint Rosalia, Greenfield
Saints Peter and Paul, Homestead
Holy Trinity, West Mifflin
Saint Alphonsus, Springdale
Saint Cecilia, Glassport
Saint Mary of Mount Carmel, Braddock
All Saints
Corpus Christi, East Liberty
Holy Family, Lawrenceville
Saint Catherine of Siena, Beechview
Saint Ignatius de Loyola, Carnegie
Saint Josaphat, South Side
Visitation of the B.V.M., Rankin
Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Holy Angels
Saint Anselm, Swissvale
Saint Clare of Assisi, Clairton
Saint Clement, Tarentum
Saint Gabriel Archangel, North Side
Saint Henry, Arlington Heights
Saint Mathias, Natrona
Saint Matthew, South Side
Saint Pius V
Saint Vincent de Paul, Esplen
Saint Walburga, Pittsburgh
Holy Cross, Glassport
Madonna of Jerusalem, Sharpsburg
Immaculate Conception, Bloomfield
Ascension, North Side
Mother of Sorrows, McKees Rocks
Regina Coeli, North Side
Sacred Heart, McKeesport
Saint John Cantius, Sharpsburg
Saint Mark, McKees Rocks
Saint William, East Pittsburgh
Mother of Good Council, Homewood
Saint Athanasius
Saint Basil
Saint Irenaeus
Saint Scholastica
Saint Columbkille
Resurrection, Brookline
Saint Barnabas, Swissvale
Saint Joachim, Greenfield
Saint Ursula
Our Lady of the Most Blessed Sacrament, East Hills
Saint Perpetua, McKeesport
Saints Cyril and Methodius, McKees Rocks
Guardian Angels, West End
Saint John the Baptist, Unity
Saint Joseph, Clairton
Saint Raphael
Saint Ann, Hazelwood
Saint Martha, Groveton
Saint Norbert
Transfiguration, Russellton
Saint Anne, Homestead
Saint Anthony, Bridgeville
Saint Leocadia, Wilmerding
Nativity of Our Lord, North Side
Saint Hyacinth, Oakland
Saint Isidore, Braddock
Saint Helen, East Pittsburgh
Saint Justin
Saint Bernard
Saint David, Willock
Saint Timothy, Indianola
Saint Victor
Madonna del Castello
Saint Cyprian, North Side
Holy Souls, Carnegie
Saint Philomena, Squirrel Hill
Saint Bede
Saint Paulinus, Clairton
Saint Valentine
Saint Cyril of Alexandria
Saint Margaret, Munhall
Saint Sylvester
Saint Therese of Lisieux
Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Natrona Heights
Saint Margaret
Resurrection, West Mifflin
Saint Rita
Saint Vincent de Paul, Walker's Mill
Our Lady of Perpetual Help, North Side
Saint Edward
Mary Immaculate
Saint Elizabeth of Hungary
Saint Francis of Assisi, Harmar/Indianola
Holy Trinity, Robinson Township
Most Blessed Sacrament, Natrona Heights
Our Lady of Victory
Saint Gabriel of the Sorrowful Virgin
Saint Januarius
Our Lady of Grace
Saint Malachy
Saint Joseph, Port Vue
Holy Family, Creighton
Saint Joan of Arc
Saint Maurice
Saint Bartholomew
Saint Isaac Jogues
Saint Robert Bellarmine
Saint Sebastian
Saint Catherine of Sweden
Saint Regis, Oakland
Saint Thomas More
Saint Pius X
Saint Bernadette
Saint Denis, Versailles
Saints Simon and Jude
Saint Albert the Great
Saint Margaret Mary
Saint Bonaventure
Saint Germaine
Saint Maria Goretti Chapel, McKees Rocks
Saint Thomas A Becket
Saint Angela Merici
Our Lady of Loreto
Saint Catherine of Siena, Crescent
Saint Eugene, Liberty Borough
North American Martyrs
Saint John Fisher
Saint Pamphilus
Saint Susanna
Saint Winifred
Saint Alexis
Saint Louise de Marillac
Saint Joseph (Territorial), Manchester
Holy Spirit, West Mifflin
Mary Immaculate-Saint Cyprian, North Side
Saint Gerard Majella
Our Lady of Joy
Saint Brigid-Saint Benedict the Moor, Uptown
Saint John Capistran
Sacred Heart-St. Peter, Tarentum
University Oratory of the Holy Spirit, Oakland
Saint Benedict the Moor
Saint John Neumann
Our Lady Queen of Peace, North Side
Good Shepherd
Holy Martyrs
Our Lady of the Most Blessed Sacrament
Prince of Peace
Saint Charles Lwanga
Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton
Saint Joseph, Natrona
Saint Maximilian Kolbe
Saint Richard
Incarnation of the Lord
Our Lady of the Angels
Risen Lord
Saint John of God
Saint Mark
Saint Martin De Porres
Saint Matthew
Saint Patrick, McKeesport/Versailles
Saint Patrick-Saint Stanislaus Kostka
Saint Peter, North Side
Saint Regis
Saint Rosalia
Saint Stephen
Christ the Light of the World
Guardian Angels
Holy Child
Holy Spirit, Millvale
Holy Wisdom
Queen of the Rosary
Saint Clare of Assisi
Saint John Vianney
Saint Jude the Apostle
Saint Mary, Sharpsburg
Saint Nicholas
Saints John and Paul
Word of God
Immaculate Conception/Saint Joseph
Saint Juan Diego
Corpus Christi
Saint Maria Goretti
Saint John XXIII Personal Quasi-Parish
Our Lady of Hope, Bethel Park
Saint Raphael the Archangel, Carnegie
Saint Paul of the Cross, Castle Shannon
Saints Joachim and Anne, Elizabeth
Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Glenshaw
Saint Isidore the Farmer, Imperial
Triumph of the Holy Cross, Jefferson Hills
Archangel Gabriel, McKees Rocks
Christ the Divine Shepherd, Monroeville
Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, Moon Township
Saint Michael the Archangel, Mount Lebanon
Guardian Angels, Natrona Heights
Christ the King, O'Hara Township
Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Perrysville
Christ Our Savior, Pittsburgh
Divine Mercy, Pittsburgh
Mary, Queen of Peace, Pittsburgh
Most Precious Blood of Jesus, Pittsburgh
Saint Jude, Pittsburgh
Saint Paul Cathedral, Pittsburgh
Saint Teresa of Kolkata, Pittsburgh
Holy Family, Plum
Divine Redeemer, Sewickley
Mary, Mother of God, White Oak
Saint Luke the Evangelist, Franklin Park
Our Lady of the Lakes, Bairdford
Regina Coeli, Bellevue
Saint Mary Magdalene, Pittsburgh
Saints Martha and Mary, Hampton Township
Beaver County
Butler County
Greene County
Lawrence County
Washington County